Packing List: Home for the Weekend 

I’m so happy to be home for the weekend! Here are the things I make sure I have with me before I head home from school: 

  • Glasses, contact case, and solution 
  • Necessary medication
  • Shower stuff and toothbrush/paste 
  • Minimal makeup
  • Minimal jewelry 
  • Outfits for Saturday and Sunday 
  • A coat ( if it’s cold; not likely) 
  • Pajamas and undergarments 
  • Shoes (1 or 2 pairs at the most)
  • A small purse
  • Wallet and School ID (for student discounts!) 
  • Phone charger and headphones 
  • And finally my backpack with notes from class ( premeds can’t catch a break :/

I’m ready to relax and rest with my family (and of course my dog). I hope y’all have a great weekend and thanks for reading!   

Coming soon- Packing List: Spring Break Essentials 


3 thoughts on “Packing List: Home for the Weekend 

  1. Pingback: Top 14 Favorite Romance Movies | the pre-med prep

  2. How do you take your blog photos these are super cute, do you just lay stuff out and take it with your phone! loving your style, would love some advice for future posts.


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