20 things


My sophomore year of college is about to end, so I’ve had to think a lot about my future recently and how my current actions will affect the rest of my life. While I have experienced some really cool things in just 20 years, I have been thinking about the things I want to experience within the next decade of my life. Some of the things I have listed may seem really simple, while others are major milestones; nonetheless, these are the goals I have set for myself. None of them are in any particular order, they are just listed in the order I thought of them in, which may reveal how I really feel about these goals.

20 things I want to accomplish in my 20’s

Graduate college

Get accepted into medical school

Graduate medical school

Get into a good residency program

Buy a brand new car

Buy a home

Travel domestically: California, New England, Alabama

Travel abroad: Europe, the U.K, the Mediterranean, Asia, Africa

Get married

Start a family: get a dog (beagle) and have kids

Ride in a hot air balloon

Learn how to scuba dive

Learn how to surf

Go to fashion week in NYC, Milan, Paris.

Own 2 Chanel pieces: a purse and a pair of her signature beige flats

Climb a mountain

See the Phantom of the Opera live on Broadway in NYC

Go on a mission trip and help children that need medical attention

Study historical architecture

See One Direction in concert

In the next 20 years…

  • design, open, and own my own practice
  • create a pre-med scholarship for my old high school
  • become PTO president at my kid’s school
  • becomes best friends with Tina Fey and Amy Pohler
  • design my own house, get it custom-built
  • basically transition from Audrey Hepburn to Anna Wintour to Iris Apfel


If you liked this, check out my goals Pinterest board, from which I drew inspiration


What goals do you have set for yourself?


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