I’m Busy: An Update


So sorry that I’ve been a bit off the grid for the past couple of weeks. I just started my junior year of college and it has been much busier than I expected.  I’ve had the first meetings for all the organizations I’m involved in, and I already got some volunteer experience under my belt for the semester.

I hope to go back to posting regularly within the next couple of days once I’ve had my first round of exams that start this week. I have 3 exams this week and one more the next, which will make me busy studying.

I have some exciting posts planned for the near future such as a look into my first college apartment and some Fall outfit looks. To get a notification of when I post, follow and subscribe to my blog’s email list, or my Instagram account, since I usually post a picture correlating to my most recent post.

Thanks for sticking with me even though I’ve been a bit lazy as a blogger recently. Life happens, ya know? We get busy, and that’s ok.

Until, I am free from exams…



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