Packing List: Home for the Weekend 

I’m so happy to be home for the weekend! Here are the things I make sure I have with me before I head home from school: 

  • Glasses, contact case, and solution 
  • Necessary medication
  • Shower stuff and toothbrush/paste 
  • Minimal makeup
  • Minimal jewelry 
  • Outfits for Saturday and Sunday 
  • A coat ( if it’s cold; not likely) 
  • Pajamas and undergarments 
  • Shoes (1 or 2 pairs at the most)
  • A small purse
  • Wallet and School ID (for student discounts!) 
  • Phone charger and headphones 
  • And finally my backpack with notes from class ( premeds can’t catch a break :/

I’m ready to relax and rest with my family (and of course my dog). I hope y’all have a great weekend and thanks for reading!   

Coming soon- Packing List: Spring Break Essentials