College Advice

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I start my junior year of college next week and I’m so excited! After a rough sophomore year, I’m looking forward to starting over with a new semester and a new mindset. Since I’ve been away at college for the past two years, I like to think I’ve grown as a person and got a little wiser on how to survive on my own. Today I am sharing my advice for college and how you can make the best of it.

ALWAYS go to class and be on time: I cannot stress this enough. GO TO CLASS. I have never been slightly late much less skipped a class in my whole (University) college career. (Ok, there was this one time I slept through an alarm during a summer class, but I still went even though I was 30 minutes late.) Each class you skip could be wasting upwards of $100 of your tuition, which will add up tremendously over time. It’s totally not worth the extra hour of sleep, especially if this is a required class for your major. Your professors also notice how punctual you are when you meet with them. They could either notice how you’re always on time and prepared, or how you’re always absent or late and disruptive to their lecture.

Talk with your professors and advisors: I find it to be extremely beneficial to talk with your professors, whether you are doing well in the class or not. Going up to their office and meeting with them regularly shows that you truly care about your learning experience in their class, which might end up getting you some bonus point a the end of he semester. You also might need a letter of recommendation from your professors one day for a job interview or maybe a medical school application (lol, me). As someone who hates taking on the phone to others and sometimes gets hives when I talk to strangers, trust me when I say talking to your professors is not as scary as its seems. Your prof might seem really intimidating in a lecture room full of people, but when you’re sitting right next to them in their office, they could end up being your favorite teacher once you talk to them.

Have adequate school supplies: We all know here how much I love everything to be organized and as aesthetically pleasing as possible, so it should come as no surprise that I love getting new school supplies. I have a different color notebook , a coordinating highlighter, and a set a sticky notes for each class. Preparation for your classes are a (DJ Khaled voice) “major key” to organization and success in college. I also religiously use an agenda to plan out my weeks. Being organized will make it so much easier to study for exams and do homework when you know where all of your notes are so you don’t have to waste time to find them and get them in order.

Textbooks are not always necessary to pass a class: I have honestly wasted so much money on buying or renting textbooks that I didn’t use. If you think you need a book for a class, I would recommend not buying it before the first class day. Your professor is required to have a textbook listed on their syllabus just like they have to list all of the university policies every year. Wait until they go over the syllabus to see if they require it for homework or a lab, and then rent it. Renting from your campus bookstore, a local bookstore, or online is SO much cheaper than buying a book you might use to refer to a chart or definition once. This was especially true for me in my U.S. history and political science classes; I didn’t get a textbook for history, made an A, I rented the textbook for poli sci, used it once, also made an A. It’s important to know how you study and learn information best so you don’t end up wasting your time and money, which are both valuable in college.

Spend your money wisely, save as much as you can: (This also can be related to my last point, regarding spending money on textbooks.) To save money in college, you shouldn’t spend your money on stupid things like that second cup of Starbucks for the day, or the $20 club t-shirt you might wear twice to meetings. Maybe you and your friends will want to go on a road trip or to a concert, or you might get the opportunity to go on a mission trip, and you can’t go unless you have the money to pay for those experiences. I’d personally rather have money to go on a trip and make memories than spend it on something so trivial. To track your spending, write down all of your expenses in a check book register and make a budget for what you should spend money on that month. This doesn’t mean I don’t think you should treat yourself to something nice every once in a while, I just think it’s best to not spoil yourself all the time. Reward yourself for working hard, not for getting through the tasks you were expected to complete.

Don’t procrastinate on homework and studying: I’ve mentioned this before when I wrote about finals,  but it’s important to remember that you need to prioritize your time. It might be fun to go out with friends every other night of the week, but it won’t be fun when you have to cram for tests and rush to do your homework. When you get an assignment, start it right away so you don’t forget about it and try to turn it in early. When studying for tests, take small breaks and switch around to another subject after a while. Just know your limit to your attention span and distractions. If you can’t focus at a coffee shop because it’s too crowded or loud, go to a quiet park or the library. If your friends are visiting you in your dorm, kick them out and tell them to go study too.

Work hard during the week, relax on weekends: I like it when people say to treat college as a 9 to 5 job, because it makes a lot of sense. If you work hard during the week studying and doing homework, you can rest and enjoy yourself for a couple days to re-charge for the next week.

Make lots of new friends: I really wish I knew this when I first started school two years ago, because I really regret not making lots of friends. I will admit that I am pretty shy around people, but once I’m around a group regularly, I open up more and become more friendly. If you have trouble making friends like me, try making it a goal to find one friend in each class that you can talk to about the material, homework, or lab so you don’t feel so alone.

Go to parties, but be responsible: I personally like to go to parties so I can tell stories about the crazy things that happen to my friends. I also don’t drink at parties so I can actually remember what happens and so I don’t get into any trouble. You never know what could happen when you’re out with a bunch of college aged drunk people, so I find it best to stay alert and to watch out for others. I carry around a water bottle with me at parties so people don’t pester me about if I want to drink, but it also keeps me hydrated. Some of the craziest stories I have are from parties, like the time it started hailing and there was a tornado warning, and the time Mitchell Musso (Oliver from Hannah Montana) was at a Halloween party I was at. It’s also fun to remember the fun times you had with your friends, even if they can’t. (P.S. I’m not your mom or a judge or anything, but just remember it’s illegal to drink in the US if you’re under 21).

Learn to be a leader and a follower: This became clear to me when I got more involved in clubs and organizations that required group work and cooperation. I think it’s important to speak up for yourself, but also let someone else speak up about what they know, especially if they are an assigned leader or officer for that group. This can also mean that you should be a good representation of your organization by following its rules and setting a good example for others to follow.

Become a good listener: This could mostly be applied to friends and family, but you should also use this for school too. I think it’s important in this part of your life to really get to know people, not just their name and major. Get to know your friends favorite colors, their hobbies, and what they want to accomplish in life. It will give you a deeper understanding of that person and will also strengthen your friendship with them. When you go home to your family, don’t just complain about your classes, don’t talk too much about the wild party you went to, ask about what they have been up to since you’ve left.

Communicate with roommates and friends: Communication is important in any type of relationship, especially with the people you hang out the most with. Set boundaries and make rules with your roommate for your dorm room so conflicts don’t arise later in the semester. Tell your friends the days you need to study or the days you want to hang out. Talking with each other about what you expect from the other person will help your relationship stay civil when you encounter a problem. Let your roommate know that you don’t appreciate her using your eyeshadow without your permission or you don’t like how she turned the thermostat down to 40 degrees while you were asleep (true story). Let your friends know that you have a test to study for if they want to go out, or let them know if you feel uncomfortable at a party and you want to go home. Also communicate with them the things you’re excited about. Let them know you made an A on the test you were worried about, let them know you just joined a club and you love it, maybe they will join with you. College is the time to make lasting friends, so don’t let the friendships you do make suffer and die out from a lack of communication.

Work very hard at the beginning of the semester: Some students, myself included, feel that the beginning of the semester is the easiest because the workload of your classes isn’t much because your prof is still trying to learn your names. One of my goals for this semester is to try my very best in each of my classes to establish a strong grade at the beginning of the course. Nothing in college sucks worse than struggling at the end of the semester to pass a class, when you know it will wreck your GPA if you don’t get those credit hours.

Create study groups with people in your classes: I just figured this out at the end of this past spring when I was studying with a group for my Genetics final. I remembered so much more on my exam because the friends I made from class were able to teach me new ways to remember the material. Once you have a group together, make studying fun by meeting at a coffee shop, the park, or someone’s apartment and have a little study party. Just remember to stay on task after you’ve shown everyone the cute puppy video you saw on twitter (;

Utilize online study tools: I will hopefully get to writing a more in-depth post about this soon, but for now, listen up. There are countless ways you can use technology to your advantage in school. My favorite ways to review a subject is by watching Crash Course videos made by John and Hank Green (my favorite people). I’m always so surprised by how many people don’t know about their videos, they’re really great. Khan Academy also has great videos that are narrowed down by subject, then topic, then concept so you can review more in detail. I have also made Kahoot quizzes for myself and group study sessions. I have only used Quizlet once or twice for vocabulary, but I still like it.

Joins clubs and organizations: Joining a club is a great way to make friends and find people who have the same interests as you. Campus organizations can range from a local to national level and can serve as a great networking opportunity for your future career. I am involved in AMSA (American Medical Student Association) for Pre-Health students, where I will be the Secretary for the 2016-2017 school year. I am also going to be a leader for my campus’s Alternative Breaks service organization. I have made lots of new friends getting involved in these organizations and they have been a great way to get out of my comfort zone.

Volunteer as much as possible: Once you’ve joined an organization or two, a great way to get more involved in it is to volunteer with your group when they host events. Within AMSA, we have volunteered at the local homeless shelter by organizing and cooking food. Within Alternative Breaks, we have done restoration work at a historical site in town and also volunteered the weekend we went on our trip. Getting lots of volunteer hours does not go unnoticed within a University; if you document your hours properly you can get awarded at the end of the year, or you could even receive a scholarship for your service. Employers and admissions counsels for professional schools are looking for people who show they are interested in helping their community, which might get you that interview you need to start your career.

I hope this (ridiculously long) list of advice is helpful and I really enjoyed writing it. If you have any other questions about college, be sure to comment below and I might write a post about it!

Thanks for reading! Good luck this semester!


Lilly Pulitzer Large Planner Review

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For the past two years I have loved using a Lilly Pulitzer agenda to plan out my days while in college. This year, however, I decided that I could benefit from a little extra space for writing, so I bought an agenda in the large size rather than medium.


As you can see from the pictures below, the large is about 2 inches larger in width than the medium, giving you much more room to write in the month and week day pages.

I got the large agenda in the print Southern Charm and I absolutely love it! I love the contrast of the neon pink, green, and turquoise on the navy background (It will match my new room). I also like the change that was made from the white spiral binding to the gold.

A new section that has been added this year is the inclusion of some of the 5×5 print art that Lilly posts on their Instagram. All of the prints are super cute, but if you want to frame one, another is printed on the back of that so you won’t get to see it, which kinda sucks. (I’m might frame the blue and pink sea turtle print.)

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I ordered it on a Monday when Lilly was doing free ground shipping using a code at checkout, and I received it in the mail a few days later on Thursday. Overall, I’m really pleased with it and I can’t wait to use it more when I start classes again for fall.

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Thanks for reading! What’s your favorite planner brand?


Apartment Inspiration 

I move into my first apartment in less than 2 weeks and I could not be more excited! Today I want to share what I have in mind for my color scheme and my room’s overall “theme”.  I have all of the basic pieces for my room, all I have to do now is get everything organized and ready to move in!

I have decided that the name for my theme is “Antique Chic,” and should not be confused with “Shabby Chic,” which is more rustic than what I want. To me, “Antique Chic” will encompass the preppy style, with antique and modern décor influences.

My color scheme is various shades of navy, light blue, and pink. I wanted my colors to be girly, but also mature, if that makes any sense. I will also be mixing these colors with gold and white accents throughout my room.


The inspiration for my color scheme came from all the “preppy” dorm rooms I saw on Pinterest, since a lot of girls also really love the combination of navy and pink for their rooms. Below, I have some pictures as ideas that I wanted to imitate within my room. Basically, they all have white bedding, bright accent pillows, and a clean, minimalistic look. I also love how white bedding can make any room look brighter, but also cozy.


For décor, I want to keep everything looking minimalistic so my small room won’t look so cluttered. I want to have my décor as a mix of modern and antique. Some of my antique furniture is a dark wood and other newer pieces are bright white. With these furniture pieces, I have some of the popular blue and white Chinese style vases (Some people call them Ginger Jars, Chinioserie pottery, or Blue Willow vases). I have seen several bloggers use these style of vases and plates as décor in their homes and I thought it was a really cute idea.


Check out my Pinterest for ideas on College Dorm and Room Design for girls

I’m very excited to start decorating my room once I move in. I’ll be sure to update y’all on what it looks like once it’s all done and I might do a sneak peek, so stay tuned! (;

Thanks for reading!


Summer Organization and Productivity 


Since I’m taking multiple classes again this summer, I thought I would share my tips for organization and productivity from what I learned last year and this year so far.

How to stay organized and productive in the summer:

Listen to Instrumental or Upbeat Music: I like to listen to music that keeps me focused and happy while I do homework so I can feel less stressed. Music by Odesza, and various summer vibes/coffee shop playlists are always good options.

Study or Work Outside: Depending on where you live, working outside might be pleasant or a literal pain. In Texas, the heat index most days reaches 100 degrees or above. When I work outside, I always sit underneath my covered back porch. I also drink lots of water while I work to stay hydrated. You could also study while laying out to get a tan. If you do tan and study, remember to also drink lots of water and to re-apply your sunscreen often.

Set a Time Limit: Use your phone to set a timer to pace yourself for specific tasks. When I was studying for finals last semester, I would study a different subject every 30 minutes to an hour so I wouldn’t get bored or distracted. I also set myself a time limit for getting tasks done in a certain number of days. An example is whenever I have something due online over the weekend, but I have plans, so I make sure I complete it days before.

Exercise: To relieve stress and have fun, I like to swim or jog around my backyard. You could also go for a hike on a trail or mountain, walk on the beach or through a park. However, my favorite way to get my heart pumpin’ is to go shopping; nothing gets me more excited to walk around a mall or outlet center faster than some good summer sales. (#shoppingismycardio)

Plan and Prioritize: For my classes this summer, I made sure I wrote down every due date for every assignment the day classes started since everything would be due quickly. I use my planner to organize my day by listing what I need to accomplish, sometimes in a specific order. I also use my planner to plan trips and to write down fun things I did that day and the specific places I went. In regards to prioritizing my time, I make sure I finish all of my online assignments before I consider going out for the day, which basically only on Saturdays.

Buy Fun Organizational Supplies: I have recently seen some really cute, colorful folders at Marshalls that could be a good option for organizing papers or documents. Neon hi-lighters could be fun for brightening up your notes, planner, or fave quotes from books you read while on summer break. I have also noticed that there has been a recent increase in the amount of bright and summery sticky notes, journals, and  to-do lists being sold in stores. A must-have for me is obviously a planner; the Lilly Pulitzer agendas are perfect all year round and I can’t wait to order my next one. (I’m thinking about getting a large instead of medium this year).

Thanks for reading, I hope you’ve found these tips helpful for having a great, organized summer break!


May Favorites

Hey y’all. Sorry I’ve been M.I.A and didn’t post anything for the past 2 weeks. I just started my summer classes this past Monday, so naturally I had to over-prepare and stress myself out about it a full week before. Anyways, here’s a list of cool things I liked in May:


David Dobrik’s Vlogs: I found David’s vlogs the week of finals and I’m so glad I did at that time. I was so stressed from exams and his videos really cheered me up after that long week. After I finished all of my finals and packed up my dorm, I binge-watched all 100+ uploaded videos over the next several days and I don’t regret that decision one bit. Each vlog is short, funny, and entertaining as he[ck]. Since I started watching David’s vlogs, I have also creeped and started to follow all of his friends, they too seem really cool.

{I’ll most likely write a Who to Watch on YouTube post in the near future, so be on the look out for that}

The Food Network Snapchat story: Since I’ve apparently been really lazy these past couple of weeks, I have grown fond of not actually cooking my own food, but watching people prepare food on my phone. (???) I just find this snap story entertaining and I wish I could cook like a chef. I should probably start practicing cooking though, because I move into my first apartment in August, yay! I’ve already started compiling a lot of easy recipes on my Pinterest page, check it out!

Instant coffee: Continuing with the Lazy theme I have going on in this post, I have been dependent on the iced coffee that I have been making myself the last couple weeks of the semester and here at home. All you need is the instant powder, water, ice sugar, and coffee creamer, which for me results in talking too much and small bouts of morning anxiety 🙂

Views by Drake: This album is just great, but you’ve most likely already listened to it. My favorite songs are Keep the Family Close and One Dance.

Not Your Mothers “Clean Freak” Dry Shampoo: Why has it taken me so long to realize I hate washing my hair?? (#relatable) This stuff smells like Mountain Dew mixed with baby powder, but hey, it works well and it’s pretty cheap.

Maybelline Lash Sensational mascara: I bought this mascara because my little sister used it and I was jealous of her eyelashes, if we’re being honest here. I had to wipe of all the clumps off the brush the first couple of times I used it, but after that, it does a great job of making your lashes look full and long without gross clumps.

Honorable mentions: Returning home from college, sleeping in your own bed, hugging your dog, and swimming in your pool at sunset. (I’ve missed home, can’t you tell??)

Thanks for reading!!!

In 3 weeks time…

Summer break is here!!! I’m so glad to be home with my family, but I will miss my friends from school. This summer, I will be taking 11 credit hours of classes at my local community college: Physics 1 and 2 (8h total) and General Psychology (3h) online. I will be very busy studying, but I am taking these classes to be prepared for the MCAT next spring and to fulfill the requirements for applying to medical schools. It’s crazy to think that in less than a year so many exciting things will happen so quickly. So while I have a couple of weeks to myself, this is the little bucket list I made of things I want to do before I start summer classes (in 3 weeks).

  • Read several books: various Dan Brown novels, Stiff by Mary Roach, An Abundance of Katherines by John Green, Psychos by Babe Walker
  • Finish decorating my room at home
  • Plan apartment décor (I will probably do a inspiration post)
  • Start searching for cheap apartment furniture
  • Go to the beach (Galveston)
  • Get a new swimsuit that I feel confident in
  • Bake: try new recipes and learn new skills
  • Try new food recipes: find quick and easy meals to make for next semester
  • Get a haircut and dye my hair??
  • Expand my summer wardrobe and create more outfit posts
  • Find blog post inspiration
  • Learn how to budget my money and time
  • Spend lots of time with my sisters and dog
  • Create a home workout routine
  • Reconnect with friends in town

So that’s my plan of things I want to accomplish for the next couple of weeks, hopefully I can stick to it. I hope y’all have had a great spring semester and a great start to your summer break.

Thanks for reading! What are your summer plans??

new signature

Motivational Laptop Wallpaper


To get motivated to study for dead week and finals, I made this wallpaper for my laptop. The quote I used has been all over my twitter feed lately, and it’s totally #relatable. Hopefully this quote will help me stay focused in the library. You can just save the one I made (below) or you can use this tutorial to make your own using PowerPoint as some stress relief from studying.

So first I opened PowerPoint and inserted a background. I used a black and white polka dot picture that I had pinned on my Prints and Patterns Pinterest board.

In this screen shot, to show you how I overlapped the pictures, I put a black frame on the edges. I overlapped the pictures so that the dots wouldn’t expand and look pixelated in the final image.


Next, I typed up my quote and changed the font. I used the font “sweet pea” that I downloaded from


After I changed the font, I will change the size of the quote to fill up most of the slide. I used font size 88.


Next, I changed the font color. I used a bubblegum pink, it’s one of my favorite colors, plus it’s cute for spring.


This next part is optional, but I thought using a shape behind my quote would make it more legible. I made a rectangle using the shapes in the drawing tools section.


After I made the rectangle, I changed the color to a light gray.


I then changed the shape outline to black and I made the outline thicker by changing the weight to 3 points.


After I designed the rectangle the way I wanted it,  I right-clicked the shape and sent the shape “backward” not “to the back”. Sending the shape backward will put the rectangle only behind the quote and not to the back, behind the background pics.


After I put the rectangle behind my quote, I was done!

Finally, I went up to the “File” tab, clicked “Save As”….


In the “Save as type” tab, I changed the file from “PowerPoint Presentation” to “JPEG File.”


After I saved it, I changed my background on my computer to the final image!

This whole process should only take around 10 minutes if you’re a perfectionist like me.


I hope you thought this was both informative and somewhat entertaining. Now I’ve got to get back to studying…

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20 things


My sophomore year of college is about to end, so I’ve had to think a lot about my future recently and how my current actions will affect the rest of my life. While I have experienced some really cool things in just 20 years, I have been thinking about the things I want to experience within the next decade of my life. Some of the things I have listed may seem really simple, while others are major milestones; nonetheless, these are the goals I have set for myself. None of them are in any particular order, they are just listed in the order I thought of them in, which may reveal how I really feel about these goals.

20 things I want to accomplish in my 20’s

Graduate college

Get accepted into medical school

Graduate medical school

Get into a good residency program

Buy a brand new car

Buy a home

Travel domestically: California, New England, Alabama

Travel abroad: Europe, the U.K, the Mediterranean, Asia, Africa

Get married

Start a family: get a dog (beagle) and have kids

Ride in a hot air balloon

Learn how to scuba dive

Learn how to surf

Go to fashion week in NYC, Milan, Paris.

Own 2 Chanel pieces: a purse and a pair of her signature beige flats

Climb a mountain

See the Phantom of the Opera live on Broadway in NYC

Go on a mission trip and help children that need medical attention

Study historical architecture

See One Direction in concert

In the next 20 years…

  • design, open, and own my own practice
  • create a pre-med scholarship for my old high school
  • become PTO president at my kid’s school
  • becomes best friends with Tina Fey and Amy Pohler
  • design my own house, get it custom-built
  • basically transition from Audrey Hepburn to Anna Wintour to Iris Apfel


If you liked this, check out my goals Pinterest board, from which I drew inspiration


What goals do you have set for yourself?


UTMB Pre-Med Conference


I had a fun time with my AMSA chapter this past weekend. On Friday we participated in the Relay for Life. It was fun, but I really should have brought a jacket with me, it got colder the later I stayed. The event was from 7 pm to 2 in the morning, but I left early to get ready for the conference the next day.



I woke up at 3 am with only 2 hours of sleep (way to go Caitlin). I got dressed and ready, then we left campus at 3:45. The drive to Galveston was about 3 hours from Nacogdoches, so we got there about 10 minutes before 7 am. We were the first group there, and were able to eat the breakfast UTMB provided at 7:30.



Throughout the conference, we followed this schedule. It varied depending on what group you were put in, and for me, it worked out perfectly because I got to go to all the workshops that interested me.


As you can see, I checked off everything and made note of where I went so I could share it with y’all.

At the beginning of the conference, they explained how UTMB was different from other schools in regards to their classes. I think that the integrated curriculum that they have is very interesting. The speakers boasted how the program was unique to their system and how other schools were asking them for help to use this technique in their programs. During our lunch break, we got to ask current medical students questions about their classes at UTMB and what it was like to live in Galveston. Because of the integrated curriculum, they said that not many people attended class since it was videoed and put online. I guess that’s cool if you are better at learning at your own pace and can focus at home, but I would say that I would be one of the people who made sure I attended every class. I just feel that if you’re paying thousands of dollars to learn the material, you might as well be present in lecture so you can ask questions immediately and won’t forget to ask about a topic later.

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Later on in the day they were giving tours of the campus, but our whole group agreed that we were too exhausted to stay any longer. Overall, the campus seemed nice and everyone involved with the conference was very friendly and were happy to answer any questions that we had.

Here are some pictures (in front of my dorm’s laundry room) of what I wore to the conference. The dress code was business casual. The jacket came in handy during the workshop lectures because the auditorium was kept cool. I accessorized with one pair of pearl earrings ( I have two piercings in each ear) and two rings on the same hand, basically what I wear every day. I also brought a small black cross body purse to carry my phone, keys, wallet, and other small items.

  • Blazer and Pants are both from JC Penney
  • Heels are from Payless
  • Blouse is from Kohl’s (several years ago)

I was planning on going to A&M’s pre-medical symposium next weekend, but I missed the deadline to register for it. I’m pretty sad about it, but hopefully they’ll have one next semester. Anyways, I hope you have enjoyed reading about my experience at the first pre-med conference I attended.



Packing List: Spring Break Essentials

Spring Break is finally here!!! I got home today and I’m very happy to start relaxing. Here are my spring break essentials: 

  • Swimsuit(s) 
  • Sandals
  • Beach bag
  • SPF lip balm
  • Colorful nail polish
  • Beach Towel
  • Waterproof mascara 
  • Texturizing spray
  • Sunscreen 
  • Sunglasses 
  • A water bottle 
  • A Cover-up
  • Road trip snacks 

In the photo:

  • Aerie by American Eagle swimsuit (Summer 2015)
  • American Eagle sandals (Summer 2015) 
  • Not Your Mothers: Beach Babe texturizing sea salt spray 
  • SPF eos in Lemon Drop
  • Maybelline Pumped Up Collosal mascara-waterproof 
  • Australian Gold SPF 30 spray gel sunscreen 
  • Essie nail polish (in descending order): In the Cab-ana, Play Date, Serial Shopper, and Bikini so Teeny
  • The Pineapple Beach Bag is from Marshalls

Since I have this week off, I will try to post as much as I can. I hope y’all have a great spring break! Stay safe and have fun!!!