May Favorites

Hey y’all. Sorry I’ve been M.I.A and didn’t post anything for the past 2 weeks. I just started my summer classes this past Monday, so naturally I had to over-prepare and stress myself out about it a full week before. Anyways, here’s a list of cool things I liked in May:


David Dobrik’s Vlogs: I found David’s vlogs the week of finals and I’m so glad I did at that time. I was so stressed from exams and his videos really cheered me up after that long week. After I finished all of my finals and packed up my dorm, I binge-watched all 100+ uploaded videos over the next several days and I don’t regret that decision one bit. Each vlog is short, funny, and entertaining as he[ck]. Since I started watching David’s vlogs, I have also creeped and started to follow all of his friends, they too seem really cool.

{I’ll most likely write a Who to Watch on YouTube post in the near future, so be on the look out for that}

The Food Network Snapchat story: Since I’ve apparently been really lazy these past couple of weeks, I have grown fond of not actually cooking my own food, but watching people prepare food on my phone. (???) I just find this snap story entertaining and I wish I could cook like a chef. I should probably start practicing cooking though, because I move into my first apartment in August, yay! I’ve already started compiling a lot of easy recipes on my Pinterest page, check it out!

Instant coffee: Continuing with the Lazy theme I have going on in this post, I have been dependent on the iced coffee that I have been making myself the last couple weeks of the semester and here at home. All you need is the instant powder, water, ice sugar, and coffee creamer, which for me results in talking too much and small bouts of morning anxiety 🙂

Views by Drake: This album is just great, but you’ve most likely already listened to it. My favorite songs are Keep the Family Close and One Dance.

Not Your Mothers “Clean Freak” Dry Shampoo: Why has it taken me so long to realize I hate washing my hair?? (#relatable) This stuff smells like Mountain Dew mixed with baby powder, but hey, it works well and it’s pretty cheap.

Maybelline Lash Sensational mascara: I bought this mascara because my little sister used it and I was jealous of her eyelashes, if we’re being honest here. I had to wipe of all the clumps off the brush the first couple of times I used it, but after that, it does a great job of making your lashes look full and long without gross clumps.

Honorable mentions: Returning home from college, sleeping in your own bed, hugging your dog, and swimming in your pool at sunset. (I’ve missed home, can’t you tell??)

Thanks for reading!!!